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Hidden nasties in our well know brands…

There are few things more satisfying than a beautiful smelling home. From movie nights on the couch, to working from your home office – your choice of fragrance can help to heighten the experience, and lift your mood. But when it comes to choosing one do you know what you’re looking for? Making sense of the listed ingredients can be tricky, so how can you tell if you’re inhaling potentially harmful chemicals or not?

Indoor Air Pollution

The air inside our homes can be more toxic than the air outside, and common household products like synthetic air fresheners and cleaning products, can have a significant affect. 

Many of us spend up to 90% of our time indoors (or in a vehicle), which is why indoor air quality is so important. 

Studies show that numerous toxic chemicals are found in air fresheners alone. One example is Formaldehyde; a known carcinogen. The health effects of Formaldehydes can include irritation to the skin, eyes, nose and throat. In fact regular, high-levels of exposure can even cause some types of cancer!

If you’ve ever looked at the labels on your standard room spray or air freshener plug in, you will most likely see the word ‘Fragrance’ listed within the ingredients. This is an umbrella term used to hide all sorts of nasty chemicals that do not legally need to be listed. So how do you know whether the fragrance you’re circulating throughout your home is potentially harmful or not? The truth is; unless you’re able to see exactly what you’re inhaling – you don’t.

Introducing an all natural alternative, with nothing to hide...

We can immediately improve the air quality in our home by replacing anything synthetic with an all natural alternative, like 100% pure essential oils. Many are naturally anti-bacterial, and come with a huge range of natural health and wellbeing benefits.

Simply add a few drop of your chosen essential oil into a diffuser, to fill your home with a beautiful – chemical free – all natural fragrance.

All natural aromatherapy

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Violet Miron

Once the all-natural ingredients used in our oils reach maturity, continued exposure to sunlight can accelerate the process of molecular decay.

The unique characteristics of our Violet Miron glass bottles filter out the more damaging rays of the visible light spectrum while allowing small amounts of UVA and infrared light waves in, keeping our essential oils fresher for longer.

Did you know… The colour violet, a combination of red and blue (Yin and Yang), represents universal balance and harmony. 

They must be diluted before being used on the skin. To dilute them safely please refer to our blending guidelines here… Essential oils are not suitable for topical application during pregnancy.

Essential oils can cause sensitisation to the skin. Always use any essential oils with care. Discontinue use immediately if a rash occurs. If you suffer from sensitive skin, please perform a patch test before applying to larger area.

Do not dispose of essential oils down the drain. Undiluted essential oils can be toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long term adverse effects to the aquatic environment.

Eternal Sunshine’s essential oil and blends should never be taken internally. Keep essential oils away from sensitive areas, like the eyes. Should any essential oil come in to contact with the eyes, wash thoroughly with cold water and seek medical advice if required.

Ensure essential oils are kept out of the reach of children! If a child accidentally swallows any essential oil seek medical advice immediately.

Avoid spillages. If spilt, clean immediately. Please store in a dry dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Essential oils are flammable. Keep away from flames. If you are pregnant, suffer from a skin condition, epilepsy, asthma or are taking medication, please seek medical advice before use. Essential oils are not suitable for children. We recommend leaving the door open when using essential oils around animals, enabling them to come and go as they please.

Bathtime Aromatherapy

Simply blend 5 to 20 drops of your favourite essential oil(s) with a tablespoon of carrier oil (we recommend using Grapeseed or Argan oil).

Gently swirl 3-5 drops of your blend into a warm bath to unlock the therapeutic powers of pure essential oils.

For more information on safely blending Eternal Sunshine’s all-natural essential oils, refer to our blending guide, accessible from this link…