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How to cleanse and charge your Bracelets

Every Eternal Sunshine crystal healing bracelet is hand made using the highest quality, all natural gemstone beads. We make sure each bracelet has been cleansed and charged before they leave us, and recommend you do the same, so you can continue to benefit from their healing powers!

A crystal transmits its own unique vibration, in tandem with a small but quantifiable electrical charge, that absorbs and transforms negative energies. When interacting with a persons electromagnetic field, crystals can stimulate and adjust our vibrations, helping to restore our body’s natural balance. When combined with your intention(s), you can use these powerful gems to help overcome the many obstacles life throws at you.

How often should you cleanse your bracelet?

Throughout the day your bracelet absorbs energy from you and your environment. To preserve the healing properties of the gemstones, we recommend cleansing them at least once a month. Here’s three – easy to follow – suggestions, to make cleansing your Eternal Sunshine bracelet(s) a breeze…

A full moon occurs approximately ever 29.5 days (this is the length of time it takes for the moon to complete the full lunar phase cycle). See our Full Moon Guide and set a reminder on your phone. All you need to do that evening is place your crystal bracelets where they can see the moonlight… Easy!

This is a simple way to draw out any negative energies retained by your bracelet(s). Simply fill a bowl with brown rice, and gently bury the bracelet below the grains. Leave them for 24hrs before removing. Don’t forget to dispose of the rice afterwards!

You could make this part of a daily ritual – It doesn’t need to take long. For a few minutes, hold the bracelet in your hand and sit still. Take some deep breaths, breathing in feelings of love, and breathing out feelings of peace. Once you feel relaxed, visualise your hands being filled with a bright white light. Imagine the light expanding around your hands and cleansing the crystals of negative energies, releasing all that doesn’t serve you. Visualise the white light flowing in and around your crystal bracelet, purifying every bead. Continue until you sense the process has been complete.

How to charge your bracelet

When we say ‘Charge’ the bracelet, what we really mean is fill it up with your intention(s). Our intentions are more than just ‘thinking’ about what we would like to achieve. Our intentions are what we want and will achieve. It can be as simple as focusing on the day ahead, to the accomplishment of a long term goal.

It’s best practice to charge your bracelet following a cleanse, but you can set new intentions daily, weekly or monthly, there are no hard and fast rules.

Start by thinking of your intention, then use an affirmation to reinforce it. You may have a job interview coming up… repeating; “I am confident” and “I am capable” can help you manifest the desired outcome. Thoughts, are believed by many, to be a form of energy. Positive thoughts breed positive energy, which attract success in all aspects of life. Simply put; like attracts like. This is known as the law of attraction.

All natural aromatherapy

Mindful jewellery

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Violet Miron

Once the all-natural ingredients used in our oils reach maturity, continued exposure to sunlight can accelerate the process of molecular decay.

The unique characteristics of our Violet Miron glass bottles filter out the more damaging rays of the visible light spectrum while allowing small amounts of UVA and infrared light waves in, keeping our essential oils fresher for longer.

Did you know… The colour violet, a combination of red and blue (Yin and Yang), represents universal balance and harmony. 

They must be diluted before being used on the skin. To dilute them safely please refer to our blending guidelines here… Essential oils are not suitable for topical application during pregnancy.

Essential oils can cause sensitisation to the skin. Always use any essential oils with care. Discontinue use immediately if a rash occurs. If you suffer from sensitive skin, please perform a patch test before applying to larger area.

Do not dispose of essential oils down the drain. Undiluted essential oils can be toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long term adverse effects to the aquatic environment.

Eternal Sunshine’s essential oil and blends should never be taken internally. Keep essential oils away from sensitive areas, like the eyes. Should any essential oil come in to contact with the eyes, wash thoroughly with cold water and seek medical advice if required.

Ensure essential oils are kept out of the reach of children! If a child accidentally swallows any essential oil seek medical advice immediately.

Avoid spillages. If spilt, clean immediately. Please store in a dry dark place, away from direct sunlight and heat. Essential oils are flammable. Keep away from flames. If you are pregnant, suffer from a skin condition, epilepsy, asthma or are taking medication, please seek medical advice before use. Essential oils are not suitable for children. We recommend leaving the door open when using essential oils around animals, enabling them to come and go as they please.

Bathtime Aromatherapy

Simply blend 5 to 20 drops of your favourite essential oil(s) with a tablespoon of carrier oil (we recommend using Grapeseed or Argan oil).

Gently swirl 3-5 drops of your blend into a warm bath to unlock the therapeutic powers of pure essential oils.

For more information on safely blending Eternal Sunshine’s all-natural essential oils, refer to our blending guide, accessible from this link…